Saturday, February 15, 2014


And last night we got to take in the movie Frozen with my favorite Firecracker and her mama and Firecracker's other grandparents.    I loved the movie...though one of those that makes you think.  It had a good story and makes one think deeper of what happens if we let our hearts be frozen.   I loved that one little Firecracker laughed out loud several times...the snowman was quite funny!   Izzy had told Oppy before the movie started that he needed to watch for the part where the snowman lost his head.

We took in Taco Bell before the show so that we wouldn't be late...and then afterwards ice cream...was such a fun night!   I appreciate that my daughter humors me and lets me choose to do some things that seem like a great idea...even though she did warn me that finding places to eat might be iffy but as a note...Taco Bell wasn't that busy!...

An exchange of Valentine's was made at Culver's and I snuck some shots of one Izzy while eating my raspberry ice cream.    But this one could be my favorite...and so with that I post my favorite pic and sign out for the night!    May your hearts stay thawed as well as other parts!  lyp

a sweet Valentine wearing her "hippy" cute and Valentiney...

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