Thursday, August 9, 2012

Excuse me...are you talking to me?

Perhaps I have told this story before...of Izzy and I at Arby's along with her mom and Oppy.   Her and I had sat down at a table while Oppy and Mama headed to order.   Something was said by someone up at the counter and I looked at Izzy and said, "Excuse me--are you talking to me?"   Well she started laughing so hard and just kept repeating by the time the others got there we were giggling pretty hard...So tonight as her and her mom are talking to me as they are driving home from a "Shopping Day" as the Firecracker called it...I hear her tell her mom, "Excuse me, are you talking to me and Ahma?"

But this whole "ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?" has been with me all day.   I snuck down at lunch time to run to Walmart and went to the Christian bookstore.   Usually it is always really just a peaceful calm feel when I go in there.   Today was different.  It seemed so full of people and just a different "energy" (not sure what else to call it so that is what I call it...) but over in the corner section--I think they were getting videos was I believe a Grandmother, mother, kids, and a Grandpa???   That is how I pegged them...I could be wrong.   But when I get in there the mother is yelling at the kids and there is just a constant chatter...then the one that I think was the Grandmother, that seemed to be talking also,  I'm not sure to who and says come on we need to get going and without taking a breath says I have so much to do and she picks up this little tablet and yells across the store to who I think is her daughter...without missing a beat says did you see this...and she yells--"Be still and know that I am God."  Throws it down and continues talking and trying to round up the group without even a breath taken...

It just made me laugh as I think how many times do we do this?   And it is as though we say to God..."Excuse me...are You talking to me?    It makes me think of the story where the guy is stranded on the island with the waters rushing and he cries for the Lord for help.   About that time a boat comes by and they offer to take him and he says I am waiting for the Lord to save me.   Then a helicopter flies over and they throw down a ladder for which he says I am waiting for the Lord to save me.   One more helicopter comes by and yet he replies the same that he is waiting for the Lord to save him!   So the floods rise and he dies.   When he meets his Maker he says...WHY?  I cried for help yet you didn't save me!   The Lord said I sent you a boat and two choppers...what more did you want!

I wonder sometimes how we can hear anything...and notice I say WE as I am talking to ME...but don't want to take all the heat myself so I put WE!!!   I seem to be getting a lot on LISTENING but I heard a guy today and he was saying to listen is one thing but do we actually DO what we hear?   Being a Christian I believe in Grace...I know that I can't earn my way to Heaven...but there also is a part that we want to do what we were created to do...

I got home and read a little bit in "Start Your New Life Today" by Joyce Meyer...And just what do you think she spoke about?   The chapter I came to "HEAR AND DO"...EXCUSE ME...ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?   It starts off...

"James 1:22 tells us, "But be doers of the Word [obey the message], and not merely listeners to it, betraying yourselves [into deception by reasoning contrart to the Truth]."   Oh a small child my grandma Bessie called me Pen Quilly...Quilly after her grandmother that might have had a rep for arguing...It is as though I might hear something...explain why I probably shouldn't do whatever it is...and then when I have heard it being said for the umpteenth know umpteenth that is a lot....(the other day I heard this advertisement for losing weight and the woman says I have lost a ton of weight!   REALLY!!   Did she lose 2000 pounds!!)...  

So perhaps I that why I talk so much!!   Thinking surely if I am talking I don't have to listen...probably not the way it is intended to be!  However,  I got such an awesome e-mail this morning...through writing back and forth with someone that by "listening and doing" I have a new special friend who prayed the following verse for "us"...I loved that she said us  as it feels as though I am not in this boat alone...Thank you Katie!  I thought it was appropriate to put it on this mornings sunrise.   The sun appeared to be a ball of fire that the tree in front of it could not show up and as it continued to seemed to be sitting on the tree.   When I pulled up the looks like it is a ball in a hand...A song my mom and aunt used to sing...He's got the whole world in His hands...EXCUSE ME...ARE YOU TALKING TO ME!!  

I loved it...and I think of the song I heard on the way to work...a song that speaks to me...but it was as though I should share...and it seems that it may have spoke to others...Matthew West...Forgiveness...a pretty deep one that is probably one of the hardest to really do...One I am afraid to ask...EXCUSE ME...ARE YOU TALKING TO ME...

And so I wind up my the way...the shepherd and I went on another walk was getting close to dark...but have so enjoyed the I am out to compete against some others...which actually has motivated me!   BUT tonight as we headed up the field road we were ready to make the turn when Bo took off...Tim told him to come back to which he in a calmness the shepherd tells me there is a skunk right out there in the field.   So I see a stick laying there and think I will pick it up to which my husband starts laughing and says there is another one right there in the culvert...yes watching me and very close to the stick I was about to pick up.  We head off and keep Bo close by and so thankful that he chooses to listen and do...and not ignore and say EXCUSE ME...ARE YOU TALKING TO ME?  

The rest of the trip we had a pheasant hen stir out of the brush and startle me and then saw two big buck deer...and I see what a reward I get from listening...and then actually going for a walk...kind of like in this life...sure there are a few skunks along the way...but so much on the journey...and I hear a voice from the other room say today is now tomorrow...EXCUSE ME...ARE YOU TALKING TO ME!    Good Night!


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