Thursday, August 1, 2013

A hummingbird kind of day...

I sit here in the darkness listening to the breathing of one precious little Firecracker with music playing in the other room and the snoring and wrestling around of one Otis dog...The dog we had to feed piece of dog food at a time..."He used to not like that when he was a puppy."  Even though the "feeder" did not really know him as a puppy...there is a bond that they have known each other always.

We are having a sleepover while Mom takes in Brad Paisley...with Uncle LaLa...Aunt Aum...Kristy (that would be Ted's daughter...who even though Ted sent us root beer from Kasey Jo and Kerry's little Isabel says...why didn't he send the ice cream.   Yes she remembered the root beer floats and TED!)   However, while watching Sophia the First and Doc McStuffin...we are sitting on Ahma's lap but the not having a nap today...catches up and we crawl off of Ahma and hop in the chair to finish watching...within minutes...this is how we looked...

And so precious as though a sleeping angel...

As I continue looking at pics and watch the video of her song she sang for me while in the little hand rests on my arm and I would love to have that sweet little hand always...I tuck it in my heart and I find a picture of her swinging that captures just that feeling of youth...that freedom...her asking me if I had a swing like hers when I was little.   Her telling me a story of Grandad when he was about her age...that he is laughing and laughing...I could listen to her stories always...but as she swings...I also think of swings...that freedom we feel...and hope for many who are facing struggles would feel this peace and joy!

What a fun day...I knew it would be a good one...this morning I caught a hummingbird at the trumpet vine...short time at work...then off to hang out with pure JOY!   Oppy did some auto repairs ate some pizza and then left little one's mama will return soon and I stop and give thanks for this day...Blessed...let me take in this day and life as this little hummingbird does!

And I finish this off...for tomorrow I get to go watch will be her last day she tells me.    Such blessings coming from just spending time with one little Firecracker!

As I go to finish this off I think of Heather at Brad Paisley as she hated his fishing song...and how we teased her that she had married it...I feel lots of Jay Bird in this room right now as I see a picture of him looking at me...and a precious little one next to me...And I think of the trumpet vine as being my Jay to my Granny rose and my Hoopee rock...and I think of those not here...aren't all so far away...

Sweet dreams!

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