Thursday, May 3, 2012

Ohhh TaWanda...or is she...

Those who know me know I have to deal with focusing...and so it could be an occupational handicap that I have several windows in my office that give me a view of a lilac bush...the yard...the highway...but then again...I believe it adds to my sunny outlook!  Hush all you who know better...
As of late I have been somewhat distracted by the birds out my window.   Last year in the lilac bush was two doves that built their nest who I kept watch on and named them Bob and Alice.  And I now have others who like to keep track of Bob and Alice as well.  So the other day I had mentioned that the Robins (I was not sure their names) had kicked the Doves out of the Lilac neighborhood and sent them packing to Elm Street.   But I seen the Doves today and old Bob and Alice seem happy!    But that's how Dove's are...they are content wherever they are...just don't bother them and let them do their own thing....well will talk more about that later...

However, back to the other day...(are you getting dizzy!) I heard a noise out my window...yes it has been nice weather to have the window in the office open...even though it does add to my distraction...but it was quite the ruckus so I hop up and look out the window well there is Ms. Robin (although I am not confident that it is Mrs.OR Mr.--I will post a pic in hopes some will tell me).   Anyway the way she was going after the black bird who was clearly on her I had said before...I don't think I will repeat here what she might have been saying.   But whatever took place...the blackbird left...note to don't mess with mama!

With that my curiosity was aroused....after all I now have a perfect shot out my office window and so I decide I will sneak out and capture a shot...well I snuck up all the while being watched closely as she sat very still on her beautifully designed nest.   I kept clicking and clicking in hopes of getting a very cool shot...perhaps if I had Jeff's big zoom...just kidding my zoom did fine...or I think so...can you see her?

That is when she got her name...well if it was she flew out of the nest as if she were on a mission and flew across the drive and began to cuss me out!  Yes I think it was some fowl language being used!   She was letting me have it...I realize that it was because she was distracting me from the nest and she was willing to do whatever she could to distract me...and so I appeased her and stepped away from the nest and took her picture chewing me out...

And so I go for the this a male or female...I give you a closeup...I chose to call this a her...but to be honest I am not sure how you tell and so I look forward to learning and so if I do then the whole name thing could be a little off...and so I explain the name...

So I might just contradict the sunny position comment..there may be some who choose to judge me...but deep down you know there are times we all got a you know what...oh ya I go on with my story....I had a day I am sure it was just one day...a year or so back don't even recall when...but I had had a day that I probably wasn't as patient with others as I should be...on the crabby side...I blame it on what I call that others have what I call "bitch bait"...I have her tucked deep inside...and they drag her out...really I am getting better at keeping her hid and with God's help maybe someday she will be completely gone...but I like to think she doesn't come near as often and if she does I am strongly reminded that she should move on...but on this particular day...actually the day after I come in the office and tell Mary that I am better...that I have left that you know what at home.  I left her laying on the couch in her sweats watching movies!!   So at that time I named my "inner bitch" Tawanda!   Okay it is out there...not really something to be proud of...but it is what it is...And I work hard at keeping her locked in the basement!  Or perhaps now I'll just give her to the birds!!
But now perhaps you get why I have named Ms. Robin--Tawanda...that is if she in fact is a she...I read that the female robin sets on the nest for the most part but the male. gives her a break from time to time so she can go fly around...find her own her own thing...probably good to note here to others that can in fact offer a break so a mama or daddy can might just offer it up...and so I think of a name for the easy going guy that puts up with a crazy female who flies off the nest...NO I AM NOT NAMING HIM TIM!!!   Though it would probably fit!    As he has to do that on quite a regular basis...but I go with...hmmm I struggle with a name and the name Jasper just keeps popping up...Jasper and Tawanda...(Those of you who have watched Fried Green Tomatoes might be feeling a need to pull out the old VHS and be reminded of Tawanda...younger and faster...older and more insurance...not sure on the whole Jasper thing...oh well I get off the subject...)

So I had written part of this earlier in the week and then night before last...the birds were crazy and my thoughts of the easy going dove's might have changed a tench...I don't know if Alice was just having a bad day or what because she was on my sidewalk and with the window open I could hear her ranting...perhaps mad because she had to move...but the tone...was not a joyful one.   And so it makes me think of these birds and myself and how I can have so much and yet I don't stop and give thanks and sing in that voice God has given but I choose to harp about something that I may not even have control over...

And so I am reminded as one of these guys...I say they are sparrows (and the pictures I was going to put in here are missing)...but remember my bird watching is more of the actual birds...they have names not what type of dove IT IS BOB AND ALICE...but I see the scripture that I came across this morning..."DO NOT WORRY" it says there in Matthew 6:25 - 27 and I laugh as I go to just pull it up so I can copy it...and I find I of course have to share...

But I also had spoke of these guys that were out my kitchen window...I had a hard time catching a picture of them out my window...but then one morning as I was looking at pictures on my bird cage...praying for special ones....they came and just stayed a bit...and for some reason the picture is I put up the song that just makes me think of them...besides I'll Fly Away of course....and though I go through many versions...this one by Jessie Colter (yes she was Waylon's wife)...makes me think of days Mom, Grandma Bessie, and Aunt Betty singing...and the piano reminds me of the Holman sisters...especially I leave with this..."I SING BECAUSE I'M HAPPY...I SING BECAUSE I'M FREE..."

Do not worry...He is with you...I think of not worry about tomorrow as we go to honor "Jay Bird"...and I think that he is singing away...perhaps his own rendition of Roxanne...but I'll bet he is singing...


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