Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Give us this day...

As I sit here not at my kitchen table but in my living room chair...feeling a little hazy from my sinus medicine...so please keep that in mind as you read along!   I am dealing with my self diagnosed KOCHIA KRUD!!   The kochia weeds are starting to get their "dust" that hits me each year...not sure if that is what it is but that's my story and I'm sticking to it!

For some reason my blogspot didn't pop up so I decided to "google" it.   Have you ever googled yourself?   Well I googled my Pennify name...perhaps some day I will go into that...but my point is...there is a site that came up that posts different stats...according to this...my link is ranked 11,901,683 in the United States...they say it is visited 300 times a month...So how would you like that job?   Checking the hits on some old Ahma's Blog.   I wonder if they look at it and critique my blog and wonder how can one person talk in circles so much...well it is not for them I write...I enjoy writing and hopefully in all my rambling...someone at least gets a smile or something...

I had titled this Give Us This Day...I had came across a reading the other day in my "Kasey Jo calendar" I call it... (actually Charles Stanley) but was just a good one...

"Give us this day our daily bread" Matthew 6:11

"The concept of daily bread goes far beyond a loaf of whole wheat bread for physical nourishment. Bread is a term that refers to everything that is necessary for wholeness in life. It refers to the things we need physically, but also to the things we need mentally, emotionally, and spiritually....When you ask the Lord to give you your daily bread, you are also to mean, "Give me today what You know I need to carry out Your purposes for me on the earth. I trust You to meet all my needs."

 This one just made me think of not only the little things I am going through...but also those around me going through much deeper things...we don't have to figure the whole thing out...just say give us this day...our daily bread.    Prayer...that it becomes a part of us like breathing...I loved the thought of that refers to more than just that piece of toast that I had for breakfast...

I think of three women I know in the winter season of their lives...each fighting different battles...and their family in the fights with them...I pray for their peace as well as that of their families.   Much love and prayers to Eva, Arlis, and Kay.   All such wonderful women!!    May we all be given this day...our daily bread.   Whatever that bread may be...


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