Thursday, September 29, 2016

Summer's Over...

And just like the blink of an eye...summer has came and gone.   As the shepherd and I walked to pick up a school girl the other day...Oppy says...Summer is over...and just like that our life much like the seasons we begin another...change...ready or comes...

Today I got an amazing call.   You know one of those calls that you know that the Good LORD directed just for you.   One in which I took it standing out in the beautiful sunlight of an amazing fall day...A call that though part of it was hard...someone you love calls to let you know that they are beginning Hospice...but it was a call I will cherish forever.  We talked of the little things really being the big blessings...of family bonds...of what an awesome God we love...of writing our stories...of old souls...of purpose...mine...hers...of love...of life and one when told they have something such as cancer...lives with the thought we don't have much longer...when really none of us really know...and as we spoke I watched a dragonfly dance...and it was a reminder to hold on to times as listen...

Yesterday I had the song People get ready there's a train a coming...and I come across this song...and it makes me think more of our conversation today...of one who is ready to go...but perhaps it not her time just yet...I always wonder...what is it that is unfinished...PURPOSE comes to mind again.   I think of losing some of my people...Dad and Grandma...slowly with time for conversations...Mom and Jay without much notice...The thing of life is...we don't know when our season will end and winter will come...but it comes...

I had found this verse while going to search for this song...
"But seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you." Matthew 6:33
And as I wrote this I was given thoughts...perhaps words out loud Katie...but thoughts all the same...
Seek...Oh little child...why do you make it so difficult?   Why must you go kicking and screaming instead of with skipping and awaited anticipation knowing the best is yet to come...the Best ultimately being our heavenly Home.  This Jesus of Nazareth--He came for me...for me and sinners just like me...He abounding in Grace--filling me with a Love beyond compare.
Our conversation had went of those that we have loved and lost...of those we love that are near and dear to us...of generations before and generations after...and I come across a picture from a recent time at the ranch...a reminder of all of the seasons all in one...the color of fall...the green of life of spring and summer...and then those trees that have died...all aware that winter is coming.   I think of how sometimes though we have not left this earth...we can live as though not living...and I think let me be color and light even while dying...let me choose life while I live...
When writing the other sometimes happens I get a collection of words...some words I never use...
Solace companionships filters and relays a Light that permeates my very existence deep within the soul that can't always be seen from the exterior but it is there all the same.  Unpronounced as if a small flicker of an ember awaiting to catch a fire that the glow will ultimately give Light to another...but for now it simmers...
And the word here...Solace...where did that come from but when I look it up it says "comfort or consolation in a time of distress or sadness"...and I think how it fit today...a prayer for not only this woman I love who seems to have a Peace (the Philippians 4:7 kind of peace...the kind that passeth all understanding...the kind that keeps our hearts and minds through Christ Jesus kind of peace)...for others who seek comfort and consolation...for others whose paths I crossed today hoping to give a little light to them as they gave to me...
So in thinking of summer being over...I know there is much I could talk of...but today I give thanks for this life...for those in my life that I am so blessed to have there...Thanks...and thank you Aunt have and continue to touch my heart and soul...