Last night we went to celebrate a BIRTHday…it was 11 years…but all the same a celebration of a little boy’s birth! His actually birthday on 3.14…so only fitting he have a PI party. So that is what we had…pizza pie and cherry and pumpkin pie...
After the party we headed home only to see as we drove through the gate that off to the east directly behind our house were all kinds of emergency vehicles! With the amount in attendance—one knew it surely wasn’t good! Hearing from the neighbor…it sounded like a motorcycle and a car were involved and the motorcycle ended up over a drop into the creek nearby…also sounding like the motorcycle rider didn’t make it. Hmmm think of my choice of words...didn't make it! What is "it"???
This morning, I thought of the motorcycle rider
and how ONE MOMENT had changed his (I say his though I don’t know that for
sure) life…his family’s life…the other driver’s life…the emergency responders
that had to deal with this…sometimes that one overlooked though when you think
about it…those are hard times too! Those
individuals have seen some things that no one would ever want to see…
And with that…my mind goes to my son-in-law and love…Jay
Sheridan…one who in a moment…his life and those around him changed! His life deeply intertwined with all…making
the responder’s feel this on a deeper level…and this morning the preaching from
Mark on Palm Sunday…but another sermon I listened to talked about Psalm 23…though I walk through
the valley of the shadow of death…and I felt that shadow this morning…just as I
did March 9, 2011…and sometimes those valley's just have to be walked through...some moments crawling step at a time all the same.
One of the songs on the Palm Sunday service sang "In Christ
Alone" written by Keith Getty and Stuart Townend…and I think of this past night…and
these words that hit me hard but seemed to add to this writing that seems to pour from my fingertips…
No guilt in life, no fear in death—
This is the pow’r of Christ in me;
From life’s first cry to final breath,
Jesus commands my destiny.
No pow’r of hell, no scheme of man,
Can ever pluck me from His hand;
Till He returns or calls me home—
Here in the pow’r of Christ I’ll stand.
From life’s first cry to final breath…and I think of this
thing I call my “Faith”…and I had thought the other day when someone was
describing someone they said they are very religious and didn’t seem to relay a
positive note…religious…that doesn’t seem to describe this “Faith” that I hold…this
One called Jesus…to me I tend to think of how in Jesus’ day…that those who
ended up persecuting Him…were "religious" to a fault if you will…I had asked
myself earlier in the week…how would someone describe me?
I think of this “Faith” I have…it is something that I
believe in this Jesus who died for a sinner like me…a sinner like you…and this
week ahead…looking back in the life of Jesus…whooo what a week!!!
I return to the song…In Christ Alone…a song I love…as I make no claim to be perfect or anywhere near…yet I have been given a peace that cannot compare…my Faith is built on the foundation of LOVE…and I listen to an amazing version sung by Alison Krauss: In Christ Alone Alison Krauss
In Christ alone my hope is found;
He is my light, my strength, my song;
This cornerstone, this solid ground,
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm.
What heights of love, what depths of peace,
When fears are stilled, when strivings cease!
My comforter, my all in all—
Here in the love of Christ I stand.
And just like that, I flash back to the Palm Sunday sermon…and
there is a short talk given by the pastor this week...Dick Foth...who I so
appreciate his story telling…the experience he brings to his messages…but this short video summarizes his sermon from Mark 15 in a few minutes…
The questions asked…Who cares? Whose in charge? What do you believe?
I think back of walking in the valley of the shadow of death…and
how I was reminded this morning that if there is a shadow…there is LIGHT!!! But some of those who cared in that time…were
those who were just there…Pastor Foth had made the comment of something about
in this time there really is nothing that can be said…but there is plenty that
shouldn’t be said…that can be said in much!!!
I snapped a pic last
night as a sight out my back door…one I care not to see…but there in the shadow
of the light of the moon…
and I come back to this “Faith”....and I do not include the rest of this verse in the picture...Your rod and staff comfort me...but Faith….this thing hoped for yet not seen…and in this Faith that I choose to believe...that this death is not the end…but yet the beginning! And I decide to add another capture of this almost same view but in a different light…
This writing...a collection of thoughts building...probably a little longer so perhaps I add as a blog… many of those as of late have been tributes to one gone on…but love all the same for those who have walked through the shadows…but I thought how sometimes… words just come that seem words to share…maybe just for one…maybe just a conversation with me and my Lord…but if nothing else…please join me in prayer for those whose lives have been instantly changed…to maybe be the one who is just there...and also to be reminded that this could be any of us.
Take in this Holy week and remember it may seem Friday BUT (and a mighty big BUT)…Sunday’s COMING!!!
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