I see two blue roses sitting on the table…the third is in
Limon…No greater LOVE…that verse seems to be everywhere over the internet…I
think of Jay…of laying down his life…of those words on his stone…John
15:13. And I go there and read under
Love and Joy Perfected…
As the Father loved
Me, I also have loved you; abide in My love.
If you keep My commandments, you will abide in My love, just as I have
kept My Father’s commandments and abide in His love.
These things I have
spoken to you, that My joy may remain in you, and that your joy may be full. This is My commandment, that you love one
another as I have loved you. GREATER LOVE HAS NO ONE THAN THIS, THAN TO
are my friends if you do whatever I command you. No longer do I call you servants, for a
servant does not know what his master is doing; but I have called you friends,
for all things that I heard from My Father I have made known to you. You did not choose Me, but I chose you and
appointed you that you should go and bear fruit, and that your fruit should
remain, that whatever you ask the Father in My name He may give you. These things I command you, that you love one
John 15:9-17
Wow there is a lot there and my mind thinks of blogging…I
think of the message here…of how we get caught up in the symbol...BUT do we
remember…I mean really remember? Those
that lay down their life…it was not for the glory when it comes down to it…but
for something bigger…something deeper…something that they might not even
completely understand…but that they were put in this time and place for a
purpose…to take a stand against that which is evil…against hate…yet how do we
remember them…do we come from the same place?
Could we stand to stand in that place?
I ponder at times…the why’s…the
what if’s…yet these are not mine to know.
Yet I feel that it is mine to remember…to give thanks for those who have
given the “ultimate sacrifice” they say…yet if those who have gone on…believe
in the one who the verse was originally written…of Jesus…who laid down His life
for each of us so that this world is not our end…and that this portion ends
with a commandment that if we TRULY followed…this in which we are told to abide
in…John’s writings…John the disciple from the inner circle…
These things I
command you, that you love one another.
Can you even imagine?
As I made the loop in visiting part of my “inner circle’s” on Friday…I
stopped at my folks graveside…Jim and Peg…putting flowers at their stone…Mom and Dad…Granny and Hoopee...and
there is their headstone amidst a dry barren area…and yet I tell my brother…they
lived many years without a lawn…and where they are now…I think there is green
grass…no I haven’t been to Heaven…but I would like to think there is green
grass there…as it is truly a blessing for sure…I include butterflies in their flowers...and as I pull down by my Grandma Bessie’s…and green grass has returned to this area in the cemetery...while once a beautiful spot...the grass had died...but has now returned...and I smile...
And my radio is playing Finally Home by MercyMe…When I finally make it Home…and I think of this song…and I think of Home…our eternal Home…and how many I love…already there…
And while on this journey…I stop and see…the folks still
here…Frank and Joyce...thankful that they are still with us…to Love...
and then I continue on to my favorite son-in-law’s…
and it is here that I read again…No greater Love…
and I had found
some beautiful blue roses…and I leave one there and think how those we love
much like those roses…only here for a while…but what is their story while they
are here…and this rose…was given the honor of remembering one of the heroes of
my story…one in my “inner circle”…
Jay William Sheridan…Jay Bird…who lay down his life for another…would he have said that is what he wanted to do…probably not…but as each of us are called to do daily…we are put in this place at this time…for a purpose that we might not understand…or choose…but if given a job…to do that job…”in the line of duty” they say…what is in our line of duty and it comes down simply to one thing…Love one another…yet in place of that Love…we (and I use “we” collectively as I know I point more fingers back at myself that I point at another)…we choose to pick apart each other…we choose hate over love…and I don’t seem to see a loophole of love one another IF…BUT I do read the next words that follow and the section in John 15 of hate…says “They hated Me without a cause.” Do we really have a cause in our hate…yet I believe we have a purpose and a cause in our LOVE…
Jay William Sheridan…Jay Bird…who lay down his life for another…would he have said that is what he wanted to do…probably not…but as each of us are called to do daily…we are put in this place at this time…for a purpose that we might not understand…or choose…but if given a job…to do that job…”in the line of duty” they say…what is in our line of duty and it comes down simply to one thing…Love one another…yet in place of that Love…we (and I use “we” collectively as I know I point more fingers back at myself that I point at another)…we choose to pick apart each other…we choose hate over love…and I don’t seem to see a loophole of love one another IF…BUT I do read the next words that follow and the section in John 15 of hate…says “They hated Me without a cause.” Do we really have a cause in our hate…yet I believe we have a purpose and a cause in our LOVE…
And I bring two more blue roses with me…for my girls…these
are part of the memorial for me…those who are left behind in the “No greater love’s”…and
I am reminded that we are all left behind in one way or another…yet with the GREATER
LOVE of JESUS…the Capital “L” kind of LOVE…we will see them again…and later on
in John he says…that our sorrow will be turned to Joy…and so though we may
remember and we may feel sorrow…may we also feel JOY…
And so now I need to go before a little Firecracker wakes up…because
yes…she oozes Joy!!! She a reminder of
her daddy for sure…and I got a few pics
of her and “Oppy” and I up at the ranch and I smile as she tries to touch her
nose with her tongue imitating the calves…and then just feeling the joy of the
ride…and yes she is part of the tribute to her daddy...a part of his legacy of love…and in LOVE may bring JOY to the ride…
This is the day that the LORD has made...Let us rejoice and be glad in it...
lypThis is the day that the LORD has made...Let us rejoice and be glad in it...
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