Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Shepherd Update

A big day...the shepherd wore jeans today!   With his knee and the heat he has been in shorts since knee surgery (Well I guess he did put some on for the sheep show)...you don't realize how used to something you get with someone...and then they change...he is now doing chores all on his own...unless I go and help him some!  

We have been walking and right after surgery was quite unusual for us...I was the one walking faster...well now as we go around the "field block" he has picked up the pace and must say we get around much faster than if I were leading!!!

Tonight we did get to see a couple deer!   No skunks so happy about that.   There have been bird tracks and it looks like these birds walk a long way...WHY if you were a bird would you walk that far?   Also think possibly coon tracks...not sure what a skunk foot print looks like...

Anyway the Doc had told  him he would be "rocking" by September 1.  That is a good thing...will be cooking for the Sheridan/Lorenson wedding!   Should be Fun...Citing...and I did try to convince the bride and groom that it would be safe!!!!

The doctor did say he would be swimming...(Jeannie I do have video)...but here is one shepherd and one little firecracker in the redneck pool...


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