Okay I admit...I enjoy me some facebook! I am also slightly hooked on "MyFamily" website that I interact with family on my Grandma Bessie's side. Sometimes quite often. I GOOGLE everything and I like to check in on my e-mail quite often as well...I have been known to dabble in blogging a little...but I haven't took up "tweeting" (other than at the birds I see during the day).. HOWEVER...some might say I suffer social
"NOTworking"...I mean networking! That's it...
I have been thinking about this topic for a while and on my drive up to Limon for Firecracker Flex Friday it all came together...well as much of together as I might get! But I have been entertained...perhaps spoken to by a recent set of commercials. In these commercials and now I don't remember what they are for...some car or something I think. Anyway in the one, a young woman is talking about her parents hardly have any "friends" on facebook that is and she has not sure how many...and it keeps flashing to the parents off doing all this "living" if you will. Enjoying life. And she then ends with something like they need to get a life...but she makes some comment looking at the computer like "that's too little to be a puppy or something"...you would think as funny as I think it is I would remember it...
Toyota commercial click here it is the girl talking...(I think this link has both of these) The other is of a young man who moves back in with his parents. Well his mom didn't even fix supper and just all of these different things (the parents are out driving around having fun). And while these commercials are funny...and they are trying to hit on being older is "cool" I read...however, they also touch a deeper part. Are we just sitting in front of a screen instead of actually "living"? I had a quote on my calendar yesterday by Dolly Parton...
"Nobody's gonna live for you."
Now you say a lot right there Dolly!
Last Wednesday...I got to spend some time in a "chat" room. Now this was "Old School" chat room...We had some family (Mike and Barb) pass through on their motorcycle...well I am not really thinking passing through as they live in Manhattan, Kansas and had went to Texas and was coming home by way of our house...before they went through Sturgis for a t-shirt for their granddaughter...So I think these two are definitely about the journey and not the destination.
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Vonnie and I at Fargo's a little blurry
but a memory all the same... |
Anyway we decided to go to Fargo's in Colorado Springs for pizza! For those that don't know....Fargo's is a Pizza Parlor that has been around since I was in high school and continues to be one of my favorite places. So we met my cousin Vonnie and had lunch before she was heading off to meet her Co-MIL (mother-in-law) to be to work on a "project". Bret (her son) and Kallie will soon be married and so it is now crunch time. But still Vonnie took time out after teaching vacation Bible school and met up with us...giving us a face to face "status update". Seeing her life size "Profile Pic" she looks great...project look good for wedding was a success (which if not for facebook and MyFamily page I would probably not know about). She also gave us "updates" on special "events" that are happening. And being on dial-up didn't slow me up in the least! But there might be something to that...perhaps that's not why I always am up to speed on what is going on...I am on dial-up while those around me are on high-speed...it all makes sense now!
Well we head off from Fargos...and decide to see if we can catch my cousin Wendy in Ellicott...but this girl is not sitting by her computer like she often is during her time working...no she is off "networking" with the one who she is in a "relationship" with actually their status could be MARRIED...anyway her hubby, Lee. I also think her son and grandkids are here visiting from Hawaii! Another social "notworking" plus...I have reconnected with Wendy that we did not do by telephone or personal visits. Growing up, Wendy and I spent a lot of "face" time together. Wendy is the daughter of my Aunt Arlis, and growing up was like a big sister to me...and so in my plus and minus analysis of social "NOTworking". I have to definitely put this as a plus--keeping in touch with family...Sometimes it is easier to put what is going on in your life on your own schedule and let others catch up on theirs. Anyway back to the chat room...
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Grandma Bessie's--
Played in that old barn and shed many a hour. |
Since Colorado Springs might be considered far by some to travel from Olney Springs to go for pizza we also decided to go back through Hanover and check it out...maybe catch my Uncle Glen and Aunt Arlis who our travelers wanted to catch up with...(write on their wall if you will). While traveling we went by my old home, then by my Grandma Bessie's old farm place and there we ended up at the Holman girls "chat room"! You knew I would get back here...just sometimes these bike rides take a while...
My Aunt Arlis who is married to my Mom's brother Glen...has three sisters that live close together and also next to my cousin Randy who I have not seen or talked to for a while. AFTERALL, he would not "friend" me on facebook...so how could I even talk to him. (okay perhaps I should be using the sarcasm font). Anyway the "shepherd" had wanted to go and see Randy...these two have had a connection from like the first time they met and so Randy is not only a cousin but a special friend to us as well. And seeing Randy made me miss him all the more...
Anyway let me describe the "chat room" for you. This was "Grandma" Myrtle's home. She may not have been my grandmother by blood...but for sure by love and her family is a part of my life and a part of who I am. How I loved Grandma Myrtle...her energy and smile...were amazing...she always made you feel special and welcome! I can still feel it if I stop and think of her and I felt it that day from her daughters. Anyway I walked in on the back porch and I was taken back to my childhood...I was "home"...walking in and you could almost smell the bread baking (Grandma Myrtle always had homemade bread for us. Which I can remember my brother Shane would walk in her door and automatically become hungry to which Myrtle would hop up get him some homemade bread. Well my mom told him that this was not polite...so the next time we went...he says, "Mom, we need to go home." To which she replies, "Why?" And Shane says, "I'm hungry!" So of course Grandma Myrtle gets him some homemade bread...and me being much older and wiser reaped the rewards of my little brother's "rudeness"!)
Anyway Helen is married to Pat Poer...Pat is an old cowboy...I can't describe him any other way...he has the walk, the talk, and just the "it"! Some got "IT" and some don't! But this home still has the feel of Grandma Mrytle--but has also been graced with beautiful artwork by Pat and special touches from Helen...it is just "Home". And so there we sat around in a circle and "chatted" using "windows" (yes that would be the ones that the breeze was blowing through). Sometimes we spoke of nothing of great importance but other times of catching up on new little ones, of memories, but the feel of love was there. I loved seeing "General Patsy". We talked about her daughter, Dallas, (mostly good!) anyway Dallas and and I were friends growing up and so that connection was there as well. Yes, I have reconnected with Dallas by facebook a little...she lives in Washington and drives truck...so an easy way to hear about her son's being in the armed forces and the journey they are on and gives us all special reminders to keep them close in our prayers...A picture of Dallas and her daughter by the ocean made me miss her...but not sure this compares to having her mama holler out her window and ask me what I'm doing and come out to greet me with a hug...out of a place where one of my favorite people in the whole wide world used to live...Aunt Mary Lou!! (Also a facebook friend that I keep in touch with usually by e-mail)
But back to the visit, I also got to see another sister, Betty, also lives nearby so we chatted a bit on their front porch...and I recognized her son who was up helping out...not only because I remembered him...but he is also on facebook! Many of us find it easier to post and comment on each other's "status" and take maybe a total of 1 minute in place of a phone call that might take 10 or 15...but when you write something on facebook if others are busy they can choose to ignore what you have posted...or they have to "LIKE" it! Or they can in fact comment on it. But I think we can do this sometimes from the comfort of our own home and be interrupted on our own timing...when we might not reach out. And sometimes we find out that someone is having a bad day...needs a prayer...or just needs a "like" to know that others agree...or are thinking of them...or share in their news! OR I can tell you all about my week and you can choose to listen or NOT! It was a special tool when we lost Jay...that we could share with many at one time in a place where we had the strength and others could put things up for us and we could look at it when we had a chance...or when we were alone...another positive I have to say...
And I wonder sometimes...do others who post things want others to comment. I have this need to think that if someone took the time to write it...I should take the time to respond. I know I love to see what responses I might get if I put something up. However, I love to communicate...to go back and forth with those around me...But I am told that this is not the case for some. Except if everyone had the idea to just read and no one write then wouldn't that defeat the purpose...but I guess I would get more accomplished that way.
Okay off the commentary and back to my story...But when I got ready to leave this chat room, I get the most amazing hugs from Helen and Patsy. You know the kind that just fill you up with more than you came with...hmmm somehow a "virtual" hug does not compare. Anyway we head off to find my Uncle Glen and Aunt Arlis. They were not home and had not answered the phone and no one had heard from them....I automatically think something could be wrong...hmmm why do I do that? However, I called their son Johnny and daughter Kimmy (hmmm are you thinking I may have known them all of my life) seeing if they knew where they were...some more social networking if you will...
So Tim knocks on the door and since they aren't there we head off. But only make it around the block (that would be a country block)...but on that trip we go by the old school which is a little bigger than it used to be BUT while there we look off towards the west and capture a great real life "wall photo". A reminder of the beauty around us...
And as we start to head home...it's as though we decide we need to go check on Uncle Glen and Aunt Arlis...glad we did...they were just coming home from town...and so another "chat room". So see it paid off that I was in a bit of a "twitter" or is that a "tweet"...hmmm I haven't got into that yet!
So this real-time social "NOTworking" was a special day...but then I continue on in this little lesson I was being taught...and I am caught back up to Firecracker Flex Friday. I am listening on the way up and this woman starts talking about the downfalls of Facebook and the problems that it can cause to marriages and the like and how people sometimes online do not represent who they really are...and I ponder that one and think yes there are times...and I suppose at times many try to put on their "good" side but actually I don't know if my friends are a good representation as they seem to let you know if they are having a bad day or something bothering them as well as the good...but it does make me think about do I spend more time than I should staring at a little screen instead of looking into someone's eyes...having a FACE TO FACE in real life not virtual.
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Grandma's Little Firecracker...
Waiting on her corn dog... |
So I get to Firecracker's and her and her auntie are sleeping so I of course...check my facebook. To which I learn that Jon had a baby...Jolene lost a special friend...all in a matter of seconds...I had found out via text that my friend Phyllis was a Grandma...and I was glad that I had this instant connection with all of these...but this was a reminder of BALANCE...so I work on that...
I spent an amazing Firecracker Flex Friday...we had lunch at Oscar's (because Mommy had a business lunch at Ruby's) but we did have a corn dog. We did goats, sported our Grandma's little firecracker shirt, played, shopped, you know just "stuff" that we didn't even "tweet" or "post" a soul! (I am working on another project that includes this particular item)!
And I start looking for real life POSTS and one that I think is very cool...is Friday night Heather comes down stairs and she has on her t-shirt that has Jay's name on the back from the memorial ride...well later in walks Lance in the front door with his same shirt on that honors Jay that he had wore to work...then before I know it in walks Tyler yep...he has his on too! So I think to myself that they were all taking time to post up a remembrance of someone special without saying a word...and so I hit my "like" actually my "love" button and put on a smiley face.
So while I am working on not so much social "NOTworking" I think it has a place...but sometimes it might just get a little in the way of my real life WORKING! But I think I will take a little note from my cousins on the journey...See you later...