Friday, January 21, 2011

Red Neck Girl...Stock Show Update

So the kids have headed for the stock show today.  This morning after gathering everything up, Lance left the Funny Farm and stopped in Limon with the sheep and loaded on Heather, Jay and Izzy.  (I think they got to ride up front;)   Anyway...We have checked in off and on but I couldn't resist sharing these pics I got via the cell phone.  For being such a ham, it is funny how she always seems so serious in her pictures.

There is a song by the Bellamy Brothers...Red Neck Girl...these pictures just made me think of that song.   Firecracker decked out in her pink John Deere boots and Colorado State sweatshirt...hanging out in her Stock Show chair from Uncle Lance with her drink in hand...watching the sheep get ready for showtime!  She is getting way too big--Joe Cool at the sheep show! 

So me and P-Pa will head up early Sunday morning.   Should be so much fun and I get to meet up with an OLD that doesn't sound right because she can't be OLD because she is younger than me!!   Not by much but still younger.   Will be fun to see you Phyllis!

So for now that's it from the Funny Farm.  The shepherd is just watching for babies--stitch free I might add!  The doctor said we could put makeup on it for now!   After I got up off the floor laughing after we left, I asked as serious as I could..."would you like some makeup?"   And in the line he seemed to use all day he says "It is what it is!"   (Actually he deals with a lot in life that way.  It is what it with it!)   So I guess the shepherd will just be oh natural!  



  1. Love the little lady's show chair!
    Good luck!

  2. P.S. I find it funny how most of America would refer to this type of chair as a "camping chair" and us country folk call it a "show chair"! : )

  3. What a cutie she is! Sounds like you all will have alot of fun on Sunday. Wish we were going! If this is the same old friend, Phyllis, that I know, tell her hi for me! You both are younger than me!

  4. Teaching her at an early age! Way to go!!! She seems pretty laid back, taking it all in. Good luck at the show.

  5. Well I didn't post the pictures I got later of her eating a cheese stick with her shoes off. And the headline said this is taking too long. If she is around animals and Mom and Dad and La is good:)

    Her uncle is determined she will want to be a showman!
