It's a Jay Day...perhaps because I am home alone...just perhaps because I think sometimes that part of the reason of this blog is to help remember my "favorite son-in-law". I seen different posts were he has been on the mind of others and missed and so I share a gift I was given today...but let me warn you...grab your kleenex as it is a gift but it touches the heart deeply...
Before I post it I post a video that I feel was only a gift that passed through my hands from God and Jay to Jay's precious mama as this was her and Jay's song. They danced to it at his wedding in fact as it was "their song." (When I watched the video, I played it as background music to the video I found below).
I first came across this video on another "Jay Day"--from stopping at the post office and seeing the police officer in there and almost feeling Jay's presence (do you suppose "Heaven" for cops could be getting to watch other cops work) seeing the "red and blue's" as Heather will tell Izzy when they see a police car. But while I "googled" one day looking for another song with a complete different subject I was given this song instead...
When you watch "You are my sunshine", while it has those smiles that are nothing but reminders of Jay and his "fun" (a word that has become a stable in Firecracker's vocabulary as of late) but anyway how Jay could bring smiles even in times of sadness..
However, there is something so different in this video--I am not sure how many of you remember we lost Jay on Ash Wednesday...there were ashes on the heads of many...I did not notice this on this song until pointed out by Maryann and I still am not sure if these words are part of the actual song...or just another one of those things we cannot explain...and so we count them as a gift from God...
You are my sunshine...
After you have watched You are My Sunshine, I would start the music again and minimize it and let it play in the background as you watch the next video as it does not have was sent to me by Jay a little over a year ago...and for some reason I remember I could not get it to play so I asked him to send to my e-mail...which he accommodated the old lady and today I know why...because today when trying to find some pictures Heather sent me for another blog that I am still working on (and who knows when I will finish) I came across this one "accidentally" you think? So I share Izzy and her daddy feeding goats...
I do think that this blog may be partially a way to share memories with Izzy that I have not only of others but of her daddy...Jay Sheridan. This video says so much as I feel Jay is this close watching his little "peanut"--his "sunshine" and this song will be passed on to his child as it was from his mom. We love you and miss you Jay...
lyfmil :)
Sunday, October 30, 2011
Tuesday, October 25, 2011
Happy Birthday Blog
Just wanted to put a short HAPPY Birthday up here to the "shepherd"! Haven't caught up on past events but just wanted him to know I was thinking of him...and just how blessed we are to have him as part of our lives! So Happy Birthday Tim, P-Pa, Dad, Op, and all of the other names you hold so well!
Get to go out for supper with the Firecracker...and watch her mama play fun is that!!
And so because it is one of your favorites here is your dedicated birthday song...Much Too Young by Garth...
SO HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! Love ya lots!
can't believe that I have been blogging over a year...where has the time went...
Saturday, October 15, 2011
Things aren't always as they seem...
Mornings are a little cooler as I first hit the floor as of late...and this morning seemed no different...but before long my snuggly blue housecoat that I thought I needed--really wasn't necessary. What seemed like a cold morning--really wasn't after all...and so it went with my day.
I started out reading from God Calling (Two Listeners) as I usually do. And the part that seemed to really resonate with me was
I start to read Joyce Meyers site and she writes "Hearing from God is vital to enjoying His eternal plan for our lives. Listening to God is our decision; no one else can make it for us. God won't force us to choose His will; but He will do everything He can to encourage us to say yes to His ways."
And then there is more in Joyce Meyers but the words that she wrote that really seemed to stick out,
As I leave my kitchen table I head to make the bed when it seems like there is something I should jot down as I am there reflecting on this journey that God has shared with me...and I write...
I am now pondering do I stop here and change this title...because there was more to my day...and so I think of breaking up these thoughts...but I think NO I will put in a little more of that day...because it is only a little portion I will share...but I have had some amazing WALKS lately. As with birds...I am also drawn to rocks and I will not put all of that in here...but I do share one particular rock! And so I wrote...
I started out reading from God Calling (Two Listeners) as I usually do. And the part that seemed to really resonate with me was
This one seemed to me to say...the simple tasks...nothing big just simple things. Simple things like my dishes Lord? Yes, there sat my dishes in the sink...and I really have never came across Scripture that says do your dishes...but this day, Something seems to be telling me that is one of my simple tasks. And I think of the story of the "talents"...and I think maybe if I can't do these simple would I handle more complex tasks...Don't ask me why I think on these things in the way I do...but it seems part of this "walk" is the word I use and I move on to My Utmost For His Highest by Oswald Chambers. And I read the first part..."They were simple doers of My Word, not hearers only. Just in their daily tasks and ways they kept My Word.You, too, can bring Joy to My Heart by faithful service. Faithful service in the little things. Be faithful.Do your simple tasks for Me."
"Getting into God’s Stride"
And I write..."I am excited to read but can I walk in such a way...but I realize God walks with me. When I am tired we rest--when I am energized He more than keeps up with me..." And I note the Scripture included.
"Enoch walked with God . . . —Genesis 5:24"
So again I stop and ponder this and write, "And I talk of how God walks with me--But as Enoch--can I walk with God? I look at the ages of those who were Old Testament...Adam 930 years--Enoch 365 years. And I think of how many will I walk on this earth. But I realize that after this our time will be in Heaven forever. As Amazing Grace says, "When we've been there 10,000 years..."
I go back to reading the devotional and Oswald Chambers words seem to be written just for this day for me.
"The test of a man's religious life and character is not what he does in the exceptional moments of life, but what he does in the ordinary times, when there is nothing tremendous or exciting on. The worth of a man is revealed in his attitude to ordinary things when he is not before the footlights (cf. John 1:36).
[36 And looking at Jesus as He walked, he said, “Behold the Lamb of God!” ]
"It is a painful business to get through into the stride of God, it means getting your second wind spiritually. In learning to walk with God there is always the difficulty of getting into His stride; but when we have got into it, the only characteristic that manifests itself is the life of God. The individual man is lost sight of in his personal union with God, and the stride and the power of God alone are manifested."
And it seems pointed out to me that I must walk with God in His stride to truly obey and not make Him have to walk in my stride...and I get a visual of Firecracker. She has two walks. The one...usually she finds if others might be trying to hurry her, I call her "daddy walk." This is a laid back stroll that says I will get there when I get the same time she has the "mommy walk" in which she goes much faster and swings her arm rapidly as she goes...and expects everyone to swing their arms as well and many times when walking this walk she says, "huwey!" But if one grabs her hand and holds it, she is able to walk faster and more focused than she would otherwise. Of course, I think I can also compare in my own independence...I think often that I need to walk by myself.
Lately the Firecracker has been pretty independent and does not really want the help of anyone (most of the time). I think of Grandad Sheridan asking her to hold his hand so he doesn't fall and she has "matter-of-factly" pointed him to the railing. It seems there is another story in which Aunt Autumn was involved and instead of anyone holding Izzy's hand...she thought if Aunt Autumn and Grandad have that much trouble surely they should just hold on to each other! It is funny when I am the one watching...but probably not as endearing watching this crazy woman try to do it all on her own...(but I am learning!)
Lately the Firecracker has been pretty independent and does not really want the help of anyone (most of the time). I think of Grandad Sheridan asking her to hold his hand so he doesn't fall and she has "matter-of-factly" pointed him to the railing. It seems there is another story in which Aunt Autumn was involved and instead of anyone holding Izzy's hand...she thought if Aunt Autumn and Grandad have that much trouble surely they should just hold on to each other! It is funny when I am the one watching...but probably not as endearing watching this crazy woman try to do it all on her own...(but I am learning!)
"It is difficult to get into stride with God, because when we start walking with Him we find He has outstripped us before we have taken three steps. He has different ways of doing things, and we have to be trained and disciplined into His ways. It was said of Jesus - "He shall not fail nor be discouraged," because He never worked from His own individual standpoint but always from the standpoint of His Father, and we have to learn to do the same. Spiritual truth is learned by atmosphere, not by intellectual reasoning. God's Spirit alters the atmosphere of our way of looking at things, and things begin to be possible which never were possible before. Getting into the stride of God means nothing less than union with Himself. It takes a long time two get there, but keep at it. Don't give in because the pain is bad just now, get on with it, and before long you will find you have a new vision and a new purpose."
"A new vision and a new purpose"--All I must do is trust and walk with God. I do not have to worry of the unknown of what is "out there"...I really feel sometimes that God is leading me on an amazing journey. And I smile as I go to my daily verse in Proverbs 2:13 and it into context better 2:12 says, "To deliver you from the way of evil" and then 13 goes on to say in talking of "delivering you from evil, it also says in 2:13, "From those who leave the path of uprightness. To walk in the way of darkness."
And writing all of his down makes it seem so easy! But in letting this set even a couple days and going back and reading I realize that things are not always as they seem and though I want to walk with God I must have Someone hold my hand...and I look at the scripture I was given this very morning...I was in 1 John 2. And it talks of Jesus and 1 John 2:6 seems to stand out so much...
"He who says he abides in Him ought himself also to walk just as He walked."
And to me it seems that I cannot walk this walk on my own...but Jesus is there holding out His hand whenever I need Guidance, Direction, or just a Friend...So things are not always as they seem...we can't always do it on our own even though we like to think we are strong independent individuals...
I look up songs on walking and a video comes up that I am fascinated by...that it seems that one persons reaching out seemed to touch this individual...a reminder... A closer walk with Thee...not sure the name of the individual. But I also include a version that makes me think of my Aunt Grandma Bessie and so many more...A Closer Walk With Thee...Traditional. While I am not sure this is Patsy has her style... And for some reason these two are playing together at the same time...and kind of cool...
I seem to go on this theme but as usual it makes a "turn" and seeing this word I stop and smile thinking of last weekend going to Fort Collins for Aunt Autumn's surprise birthday party...but in waiting we went we, I am speaking of Izzy, her mama, me and Great Grandma Pfeiff! Well we get in the store and it is like a maze of clothing and to one little one down at that low level it is like a playground...but she keeps telling Great Grandma when to turn...and next thing I know these two are chasing each other around the clothes rack...and all of a sudden Great Grandma is a little girl again...I kept their giggles in my heart...and I wonder as all stories seem to have a lesson...perhaps the one here is just having that childlike JOY in the simple ordinary things!
So I got sidetracked and now I go back to what I had written earlier...I hope you don't have whiplash...just TURN and try and have some Joy from it!
I start to read Joyce Meyers site and she writes "Hearing from God is vital to enjoying His eternal plan for our lives. Listening to God is our decision; no one else can make it for us. God won't force us to choose His will; but He will do everything He can to encourage us to say yes to His ways."
And then there is more in Joyce Meyers but the words that she wrote that really seemed to stick out,
"Never hesitate to take what you think are small things to God, after all, everything is small to God." I love that...I smile because these actually do seem to tie together...
As I leave my kitchen table I head to make the bed when it seems like there is something I should jot down as I am there reflecting on this journey that God has shared with me...and I write...
"Sometimes tragedies seem to change our whole perspectives on life and other times they just magnify and increase our desire to find a Power that is higher than our own...that shows us that this is not it--there is more than this."
And the song I Can Only Imagine seems to be one to add...I can only Imagine by Mercy Me
So I head back and that is when it happens. MY GIFT! I see this little round black rock and I cannot help but love it. And so I pick it up and think this rock is for me…when I turn it over…it is white on the underside looking almost like a fossil or something…I am so fascinated by it. And I think this is my “things aren’t always what they seem rock.” God can take something ordinary and make it unique and EXTRAORDINARY! (even me)
And so even the font seems to change direction on me...but I think about this rock and how it is a reminder to me that things, tasks, people, circumstances, and even this WALK is not always what it seems...but in fact even these little tasks can be EXTRAordinary...and so I need to get busy and get to these simple tasks...cause who knows what might be next...
I include pictures of my rocks as taken with my phone camera so they do not capture how cool this rock is. It was setting on the ground just a plain black rock...but the underside is white and completely different. So while the picture isn't that clear--I hope it helps remind...THINGS AREN'T ALWAYS AS THEY SEEM!
Saturday, October 8, 2011
Homecoming...coming home...
And so I had wanted to include pictures with this when I started it a few weeks back...but seems that it just keeps building but today seems the day to bring it out and finish...a beautiful day! A HOME day...oh some might say it is rainy and dreary dry as it has been I embrace it! Actually have to confess I love these days from time to time...even though kind of funny how the weather person had said to hunker down as it was chilly out...
Yesterday was my flex I got some tomatoes and green chili's. For those of you that have not smelled fire roasted green chili's--you are missing out! So today I am going to put up some tomatoes and make some salsa. Well I say "I" but I have requested the assistance of the "shepherd" as he makes the better salsa...But they are talking about possible frost...wooo...barely made it under the wire...with produce it is not forgiving...if you put it off too long then you just have to wait until next year and that makes for not as tasty of a winter! And though talking of its own story in itself..the aroma that has taken over the house is definitely one of HOME...and so I combine it with time spent a few weeks ago...
Anyway I go to where this originally started and what an amazing day it was...okay so days with Firecracker...are almost always AMAZING days...but this was a special day...
I had started writing...Left my kitchen table early this morning and am now watching the CSU/CU (pretty big rival game here in Colorado...always cheer for those Rams but "Ralphie the buffalo" who is really a girl okay another story but anyway CSU lost) game while one little Firecracker is trying to take a nap before the Limon/Crowley County football game! But I hear quite a bit of chatter so not sure how much of a nap we get in...
This particular morning the old P-pa and I headed north in order to get to Limon in time for the parade...and I think back of how a year ago we had all went to the homecoming parade...and I can picture my "favorite son-in-law" Jay strolling up the street with his buddy Tyler. Of Izzy not sure of the whole thing but Chief Lynn Yowell taking her with him out to direct traffic...and the feeling of loving a small town...and a memory of another good day...
The ride up was one of memories and emotion as Jay was heavy on my mind...and I realize that in not writing it at the time...many of the things that stood out have faded and I think this is why it is good to put these thoughts down soon...not sure where they go and why some memories are there and others are not...but I remember music on the ride up there and now it comes back...because Jay had so been on my mind and then on the drive we hear the song, "Holes in the floor of Heaven". And I am taken back to Heather and Jay's wedding and I can remember Jay's mom and sharing that song and through tears we smiled thinking that these two had their grandparents looking over them...and then I come back and listen to this song...and I think of our Izzy and Heather and hope they feel another watching them through the holes in the floor of heaven...and now through tears I realize why I delayed on writing this...and I look up through my living room window and it is covered with rain and this song is playing and the emotion is there but someday I hope little Izzy will see this and sing and feel some comfort...
But we go to the parade and this is just a special day. Watched the involvement of the Yowell family in this production...Lisa (Chief's wife) came riding through on a golf cart...later followed by the "Chief" in his car...then the Chief's daughter, Amie, shows up on a horse...and later followed by Chief's son, Dylan-Yes he is royalty one of the homecoming candidates.
Yesterday was my flex I got some tomatoes and green chili's. For those of you that have not smelled fire roasted green chili's--you are missing out! So today I am going to put up some tomatoes and make some salsa. Well I say "I" but I have requested the assistance of the "shepherd" as he makes the better salsa...But they are talking about possible frost...wooo...barely made it under the wire...with produce it is not forgiving...if you put it off too long then you just have to wait until next year and that makes for not as tasty of a winter! And though talking of its own story in itself..the aroma that has taken over the house is definitely one of HOME...and so I combine it with time spent a few weeks ago...
Anyway I go to where this originally started and what an amazing day it was...okay so days with Firecracker...are almost always AMAZING days...but this was a special day...
I had started writing...Left my kitchen table early this morning and am now watching the CSU/CU (pretty big rival game here in Colorado...always cheer for those Rams but "Ralphie the buffalo" who is really a girl okay another story but anyway CSU lost) game while one little Firecracker is trying to take a nap before the Limon/Crowley County football game! But I hear quite a bit of chatter so not sure how much of a nap we get in...
This particular morning the old P-pa and I headed north in order to get to Limon in time for the parade...and I think back of how a year ago we had all went to the homecoming parade...and I can picture my "favorite son-in-law" Jay strolling up the street with his buddy Tyler. Of Izzy not sure of the whole thing but Chief Lynn Yowell taking her with him out to direct traffic...and the feeling of loving a small town...and a memory of another good day...
The ride up was one of memories and emotion as Jay was heavy on my mind...and I realize that in not writing it at the time...many of the things that stood out have faded and I think this is why it is good to put these thoughts down soon...not sure where they go and why some memories are there and others are not...but I remember music on the ride up there and now it comes back...because Jay had so been on my mind and then on the drive we hear the song, "Holes in the floor of Heaven". And I am taken back to Heather and Jay's wedding and I can remember Jay's mom and sharing that song and through tears we smiled thinking that these two had their grandparents looking over them...and then I come back and listen to this song...and I think of our Izzy and Heather and hope they feel another watching them through the holes in the floor of heaven...and now through tears I realize why I delayed on writing this...and I look up through my living room window and it is covered with rain and this song is playing and the emotion is there but someday I hope little Izzy will see this and sing and feel some comfort...
"And there's holes in the floor of heaven and his tears are pouring down that's how you know he's watching wishing he could be here now and sometimes when I am lonely I can remember he can see yes there's holes in the floor of heaven and he's watching over you and me." Holes in the Floor of Heaven sang by Steve Wariner.But the ride was good with all kinds of songs from my childhood as the "shepherd" puts it on the country oldies and I am also reminded of my mom when I hear the "Green Green Grass of Home"...and I look it up and Google tells me that Tom Jones is the original artist...while I am not sure who I remember as the original...I don't remember it as being Tom Jones...anyway it is a song I think of others who have left as well...singing, "It's good to touch the green green grass of home...Yes they'll all come to meet me arms reaching smiling sweetly it's good to touch the green green grass of home..." And I think of all of those that have gone "Home" and that someday we will see them all again.
But I go back to my story...and we arrive at Firecracker's house and she is still sleeping. Her mama lets her sleep until almost time to go and then finally decides to wake her I watch on at a little sleeping angel and when her mom tries to wake her is as though watching her daddy wake up and finally Heather says, "Wake up little Jay." Because the similarity is uncanny and we both laugh at this little trait that was passed on that we feel Jay's little "Peanut" has her daddy with her more times than we probably know...
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Heather and Izzy Gotta love a parade Gotta love my girls! |
But we go to the parade and this is just a special day. Watched the involvement of the Yowell family in this production...Lisa (Chief's wife) came riding through on a golf cart...later followed by the "Chief" in his car...then the Chief's daughter, Amie, shows up on a horse...and later followed by Chief's son, Dylan-Yes he is royalty one of the homecoming candidates.
But there is another family there this day...the police family. We are on the corner and are joined by Jake (Limon PD) and Amy to take in the show. There watching traffic is the Chief, then up pulls up another "brother" Gordon (LCSD) who will be watching from the west. There is also Fred (LPD) watching to the east and then here comes Mike (LCSD). And it is now showtime...for those who have not experienced parades in small towns, I encourage you to do probably doesn't matter which being there you get a taste of "home" of that feeling of though the faces have changed...some things stay the same...the band...the candy...the children running out in the middle of the street being encouraged to do so when any other time they would not be...
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Izzy and Chief Yowell |
I realize that Izzy has some "princess" status where these guys are concerned. I smile thinking of Patrolman Bandy jumping off of his float to bring Izzy a whole hand full of candy. Taking the harrassment of whether he can jump back on to which he hops back on rather easily I might add. How this little Firecracker does one of her favorite pass times "Tease Jake". She loves this guy but she loves more to tease him!
And maybe it is because a small town...maybe that Izzy is a "regular" but Heather goes to pay and Firecracker marches up to pay. She wanted to sign just like her mom and so the waitress accomodates and let's Izzy sign a ticket...I am not thinking that in the bigger cities...this would be an occurance.
One might be thinking well surely she is finished with this but like I said this has been building for a couple weeks.
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Izzy and Jake in their matching shirts... |
And it is Jake and Amy that go with us to Ruby's to take in lunch before the big game and maybe the "big pre-game nap" that one little girl should probably take...but at Ruby's, Izzy does decide to go see her buddy Jake...but she makes him work for it. I think Jake and Izzy were both wanting a nap...
So I get distracted working on a collage in my Photoshop of the events of the day...trying to catch time at the game with Josh, Jake, and Amy. Pics from the parade...the Amiey's (Okay I came up with that as they are friends with the same name just spelled differently). Talking to Mike and Gordon....Russel talking to Izzy...just a good day.
And I am reminded of "home" in a family discussion where one of my cousin's was missing her mother...while we all spoke of home...another cousin said, " It is the warmth of being home when it is cold outside. It is the sense of belonging - the feeling of being safe." Another shared an amazing poem she wrote...which gave us all comfort. We can find "home" in so many places...
I think of my kids coming home for a visit...I think of my friend's daughter Kasey in the city but living it up by coming home to spend time with family...canning salsa and peaches...and of course watching an old vhs of "Return to Snowy River". It is the little things that take us home...that keep these memories forever embedded in our hearts and minds...for a chance to visit some other time...
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P-pa the shepherd...mixing up his salsa... |
And this brings me back to my day spent making some salsa...canning some tomatoes...and it brings back memories of days gone by canning tomatoes with my kids, my mom, my grandma, and my aunt...and the scent that permeates my house takes me back to a special place...and though not my childhood home...I am still home all the same.
They talk that there is a chance of frost...I guess we will see but thankful we have a little bit put up...but I have to admit that "shepherd" made some tasty salsa...with a smile no less!
So I am finally just sending this off...before another day has passed...thanks for coming along and I wish for to have your own "home" coming...
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